These are the books I highly recommend.
I feel all expecting parents should own a breastfeeding and a parenting/baby book for when they need quick, easy answers.
I have an extensive lending library
of childbirth books, tapes, CD's, and videos,
which can be check out, for those who I care for.
"Natural Childbirth, The Bradley Way"
Author: Susan McCutcheon
**Great for women who are want a natural approach to childbirth. Nudity**"Birthing from Within"
Author: Pam England & Rob Horowitz
***A thorough pregnancy & childbirth preparation book for an empowering birth experience! Lots of techniques on handling pain.***
"Your Pregnancy Week by Week"
Author: Glade Curtis
***A better book than What to Expect when Expecting, with more detail and a week by week guide about pregnancy.***
"The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth"
Author: Henci Goer
****An EXCELLENT book for mothers who want to be informed birth consumers.****
"Husband Coached Childbirth", 4th Edition
Author: Dr. Robert A. Bradley, MD"Sharing Birth, A Father's Guide to Giving Support during Labor"
Author: Carl Jones
"The Birth Partner - Everything you need to know to help a woman through childbirth"
Author: Penny Simkin, PT
"The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding", 6th Edition
Author: La Leche League International"Bestfeeding, Getting Breastfeeding Right for You"
Authors: Renfrew, Fisher, & Arms
"The Nursing Mother's Companion"
Author: Kathleen Huggins, RN-MS
"The Baby Book"
Authors: William & Martha Sears
For even more great books or to purchase any of these books through, click here!